Strategic Vision
Mission Statement
Foothill Knolls STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Academy of Innovation is a dedicated community that inspires and empowers all students to be future ready problem solvers who positively impact an ever-changing global society.
What are the strengths and accomplishments of the UUSD Foothill Knolls STEM Academy of Innovation since the November 2018 strategic planning retreat?
Brainstormed Perceptions:
- Growing kindergarten enrollment
- Students in Washington DC were elected by their peers for leadership positions
- Burlington donated $10,000 to us—second year of an award
- Successful Flight Night
- Increased student academic performance due to inclusion
- New full-time Assistant Principal
- Repaved and painted the upper grade classroom
- We got a high tech laser printer
- Added a Wellness Center to the campus
- We have a new Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum
- Had Femineers at Cal Poly Pomona exhibition
- Project Based Learning (PBL) Team built a partnership with High Tech High—building capacity to coach on campus
- Students showcased work in distracted driving at many community events
- Rube Goldberg Team had their most successful competition
- Launched a New York Times Author’s Book at our site
- Reclassified approximately 20 English Language Learners
- Doing EFT (tapping) and mindfulness training across the campus
- Implemented Literacy Coach in classrooms
- Identified a goal that every student will have a 150 Lexile point growth every year
- PBL Leadership has engaged staff in a plan to develop and curate student work
- We have a Homework Club after school to align with junior high classes
- We had student exhibits at the San Bernadino Makers Fair and won first place
- We had student-led Road Shows at other elementary schools in the District
- PBL Team crafted benchmarks and timelines for a high quality PBL project
- We have a crossing guard
- First-ever student-led Board meeting was held and they “rocked it”
- Had a successful year of Crew
- Became a member of the San Bernadino County Club Live and got a OTS grant of $3000
- Purchased a systematic phonics program for K-2 classrooms and it will move into 3rd grade
- Students are staying socially networked with the community they met at Foothill Knolls, continuing into high school
- Won a Books in Action grant for $2500 in partnership with Upland Public Library
- Provided water bottles for kids, and started a recycling program
- Increased social media presence
- SPED inclusion is resulting in more confident students in TK-8th grades
- Designed a TK-8 Robotics and Coding Pathway to the high school
- Continued the Washington DC trip with an increase in parent involvement
- Currently we have a STEM Lab being built
- New playground
- Higher middle school enrollment (currently 200 students)
- Had 33 students attend the Verizon Innovation Learning Camp
- Increased middle school participation in high school math classes
- Reorganized After School Crew
- Teachers are part of the DNA math training at the District
- Received a grant for virtual reality from University of Arizona and Verizon for equipment
- iReady was used across all grade levels at the universal screeners for ELA and math
- Approved and started a Girls Who Code Club
- Positive Behavior Innovation Support (PBIS) recognition—bronze medal
- Students are continuing their academic success going into high school
- Started NOTICE—a school-wide culture and climate program
- Increased awareness that Foothill Knolls is a junior high option
- Successfully built relationships with the high school
- Kindergarten had a successful PBL project with hatching and raising chickens
- PBL Team began the conversation about working together across grade levels
- Flexible seating in grades 4 and 5
- Students will be engaged in a challenging and meaningful project-based learning/STEM curriculum articulated across all grade levels
- By the end of third grade, all students will have foundational reading and math skills
- Increase community awareness and investment in Foothill Knolls STEM Academy of Innovation
- All teachers are skillful and confident in their ability to support their students' learning and aspirations
Students of the Foothill Knolls STEM Academy of Innovation will:
- Engage in a rigorous curriculum with a STEM focus
- Problem solve and persevere through the disciplines
- Demonstrate citizenship and compassion
- Think critically in our ever-changing global community